Baby Kinsley

So, what do you get when you accost your neighbor and beg to take their brand new baby home and take her picture?

That, that is what you get.  Oh, and an instant friend. 😉

I knew as soon as I saw this precious girl that I HAD to take her picture!  I mean just look at those eyes…

This sweet girl was already 3 weeks old when I was lucky enough to take her pictures, I usually aim to do my newborn sessions between 5 and 10 days old.  She was absolutely amazing though.  I was so happy with the awake shots I was getting in the beginning, but I knew mommy was dreaming of those precious sleepy newborn shots.  We cuddled, fed, burped, and pulled every trick in the book!  We were just about to settle and make the best of what we had, when suddenly (ok a half hour of non-stop girl talk later) we looked down and there she was…


It just goes to show you, just when you are about to give up… get distracted and talk to your new friend for a while.  Wait… 😉

Well either way, we nailed it!!